
» [1] GDP in the EU 2001-2010 [PDF, 37 KB]

» [2] Gross Debt in the EU (EUR) 1999-2010 [PDF, 37 KB]

» [2a] Gross Debt in the EU 1999-2010 (% of GDP) [PDF, 36 KB]

» [3] Deficit and surplus in the EU (%) 2001-2010 [PDF, 37 KB]

» [3a] Deficit and surplus in the EU (EUR) 1999-2010 [PDF, 38 KB]

» [4] GDP & Gross Debt in the US 1996-2010 [PDF, 29 KB]

» [5] Verbraucherpreisindex 1991-2010 [PDF, 30 KB]

» [6] Reale Inflationsrate 2002-2010 in D [PDF, 50 KB]

» [7] Statistisches Jahrbuch der Bundesrepublik
        Deutschland 2010 [PDF, 6386 KB]

» [8] Eurostat Yearbook 2010 [PDF, 16117 KB]

» [9] European economic statistics 2010 [PDF, 10167 KB]

» [10] UNCTAD Handbook of statistics 2010 [PDF, 28113 KB]

» [11] Goldreserven von Ländern 2011 [PDF, 78 KB]

» [12] Corruption Perception Index 2010 [PDF, 3767 KB]

» [13] Bundeshaushaltsplan 2011 [PDF, 9539 KB]

» [14] Programmablaufplan Lohnsteuer 2011 [PDF, 207 KB]

» [15] Lange Reihen ab 1970 [PDF, 269 KB]

» [16] BAT in the Pulp and Paper Industry
          Draft April 2011 [PDF, 17051 KB]

» [16a] CEPI Statistics 2010
            Pulp and Paper Industry [PDF, 1791 KB]

» [17] Arbeitsmarkt 2010 [PDF, 2791 KB]

» [18] US Federal Deficit 2001 - 2010 [PDF, 43 KB]

» [19] Schulden der öffentlichen Haushalte 2010 [PDF, 2238 KB]

» [20] Statistisches Jahrbuch der Türkei 2010 [PDF, 4854 KB]

» [21] Economic Indicators 2011 - Turkey [PDF, 12294 KB]

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